What you need to know for the year 2026
Information 2026
4th Elite Stage & Competition
Date: 01-02-2025
This is to invite you to the 4th Elite Stage & Competition to be held in La Nucia (Alicante) Spain on January 8-11, 2026.
This event is open to all ITF Members from age 12 years old in possession of a blue belt and above and shall be divided into the following sessions/events.
Get ready for…
• Elite Sparring seminars.
• Elite Pattern seminars belts up to 3rd degree.
• Elite master’s technical training only for instructor’s 4th degree and above.
• Free Sparring and Pattern bouts.
• Gala TOP event – € award prices, Trophies, Belt – Pattern and Sparring bouts competition.
We want you all to socialize, enjoy and have a great time to share the passion we have for TAEKWON-DO ITF.
Europe very best and most well-known competitors as well as famous Instructors, coaches shall act as presenters at this event.
Event Participation
Register early and save
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
Friday January 9th 20256
- 9.15 Busses Leaving
- 10.00 to 11.15 Activity
- 11.30 to 12.45 Activity
- 13.00 to 15.00 Lunch
- 15.00 to 16.15 Activity
- 16.30 to 17.45 Activity
- 18.00 Busses Leaving
third day
Saturday January 10th 2026
- 9.15 Busses Leaving
- 10.00 to 11.15 Activity
- 11.30 to 12.45 Activity
- 13.00 to 15.00 Lunch
- 15.00 to 16.15 Activity
- 16.30 to 17.45 Activity
- 18.00 Busses Leaving
Accommodation, Transportation & Other
The Spanish Federation of Taekwon-Do ITF will be the 3rd local Organizer to cooperate becoming a big success and motivational event for all participants.
The event shall be held in the Pabellón Muixara in La Nucia, and the following shall be arranged:
- Tatami mats
- Big Video Screen, for presentations or Videos
- Microphone
- Water
- Changing rooms and showers male and female if needed
- Wi-Fi in the sports hall
- Lunch available near the venue
- Sportdata Scoring System for the Competition and
- Registration
- Umpires to be present at the event
- Coordinate awards for the competition
- Special GIFT for all participants
- Coordination Transfers from Alicante or Valencia
- Airport to the Hotel.
The event will be coordinated by Grand Master Wim Bos
and Master Paco Ferrando.
AETF President Master Leo Oros Duek message
Dear AETF Members,
I want to share with you this fantastic proposal that is the Stage and invite you to be part of this Taekwon-Do party. I want to personally thank GM Bos and Al Master Paco Ferrando for this wonderful initiative.
I would like to thank each of the instructors and the participants and their relatives because without them this would not be possible.
Moving forward together.
Master Leo Oros Duek
AETF President